The Unix Shell

Running Avida

Learning Objectives

  • Install Avida
  • Run Avida
  • Change Avida configurations

The whole reason that we wanted to log onto the HPCC in the first place was so we could run Avida. In order to do that, we need to install Avida! The first step is to download the code. Avida is open source, and publicly available on github. So the easiest way to get the code is to clone the repository

$ git clone

Now that we have the code, we need to compile it. We can do that by going into the directory that was just created and running the build_avida script. This might take a few minutes…

$ cd avida
$ ./build_avida

Ta-da! Now we have avida on our HPCC account. There’s a lot going on in the avida directory:

$ ls
apps        Avida.xcworkspace  build.xml  CMakeLists.txt  libs    run_tests
avida-core  build_avida        cbuild     documentation   README

All of the code is in directories inside avida/avida-core/source:

$ ls avida-core/source
actions  cpu      environment  output    systematics  util    viewer-core
analyze  data     Jamfile      platform  targets      utils
core     drivers  main         script    tools        viewer

avida/avida-core also contains the tests directory. Theoretically, every feature in Avida shouldhave its own test, and this is where they all live. These tests help us make sure that we haven’t accidentally broken anything when we added a new feature. If you ever add features to Avida, you should add tests for them too! Having a set of tests is a good idea for any piece of code that you write. To run all of the tests, you can use the run_tests script in the avida directory:

$ ./run_tests

Another useful feature in the main Avida directory is the documentation directory. The github wiki is generally more up-to-date, but the included documentation can be a good quick reference. Even the github wiki doesn’t document all of Avida’s features, though. This is something we are constantly working to improve (and you should feel free to help if you notice something missing!).

Anyway, let’s get to the main event. The avida executable file is located in avida/cbuild/work, as are all of the necessary configuration files:

$ cd cbuild/work
$ ls
analyze.cfg  instset-heads.cfg
avida       instset-heads-sex.cfg
avida.cfg          environment.cfg        instset-transsmt.cfg  events.cfg

The avida executable is the file called avida. Let’s try running it!

$ ./avida

Avida is off and running! You should see four columns of scrolling numbers. The first column lists the current update. Updates are the underlying unit of time in Avida. Every update, each organism executes an average of 30 instructions. The next column shows the current average generation across the population. The third column shows the current average fitness. Fitness in Avida is measured by dividing the speed at which organisms can execute the instructions in their genomes (merit) by the length of their genome (gestation time). As a result, it is an approximate measure of the number of offspring we expect that organism to produce. The last column in the output shows the number of organsisms in the population. By default, the population is started off with a single organism that is capable of copying itself. Over the first few hundred updates, its descendants fill up the environment (a 60x60 grid, by default). After that, the population size generally stays relatively constant at around 3600 (the number that can fit in the environment), unless you do something to it.

By default, Avida will run for 100,000 updates. We don’t have time for that right now, so let’s stop it. We can do that by holding down the ctrl and c keys simultaneously. This will stop most programs, including Avida.

While it was running, Avida probably outputted some data about the first few hundred updates. Let’s take a look:

$ cd data
$ ls
average.dat  detail-0.spop    dominant.dat  tasks.dat
count.dat    detail-500.spop  resource.dat  time.dat

These are the default data files the Avida produces. Let’s start with time.dat:

$ cat time.dat
# Avida time data
# Sat Oct 10 22:28:05 2015
#  1: update
#  2: avida time
#  3: average generation
#  4: num_executed?

0 0 0 30 
100 1.03086 6.77551 1470 
200 2.0754 14.8343 10800 
300 3.1134 22.6788 29610 
400 4.14478 30.4458 57060 
500 5.17496 38.2065 92040

The four numbered lines tell us what is in each of the columns. For instance, the first column indicates which update that row of data was from. The numbers are all round because, by default, data is outputted every hundered updates. The other .dat files have a similar format.

There’s another kind of output file here: the detail-*.spop files. These files are snapshots of the population taken at the specified number of updates. They contain the complete genotypes, counts, lineages, and more, for all organisms in the population.

There are many more data files that you can have Avida output if you want - these are just the default set. We can control when which data files get output (among many many other things) by modifying the events.cfg file. So that we don’t lose the default events file, we’ll make our changes to a copy.

$ cd ..
$ cp events.cfg events_test.cfg
$ nano events_test.cfg

Notice that all of the non-comment lines in this file start with u, followed by one or more numbers. The u indicates that the numbers represent updates at which the specified action is to be performed. Lines that just have a single number indicate that an action is only supposed to happen once, at the specified update. Lines containing three numbers separated by colons (e.g. x:y:z) indicate that an action is to be performed every y updates between update x and update z. end is a special word that means an event should happen whenever the run ends. begin is a special word that means that an event should happen when the run is started.

For instance, this line: ~ {.output} u 0:100:end PrintAverageData ~

will add a line to average.dat every 100 updates from the beggining of the run to the end of the run.

Most of the actions in the default events.cfg file just print out data. There are two exceptions to this:

The first event in the file is: ~ {.output} u begin Inject ~

This tells Avida to add one organism of the type specified in the file to the population at the begginign of the run. This is the seed organism, from which all others will be descended. If we look inside the file, we can see that it contains the entire sequence of assembly code that makes up the organism’s genome. In this case, it’s mosly filler instructions (nop-C), with a loop that copies itself. For more information, take a look at this page.

The last event in the file is: ~ {.output} u 100000 Exit

This tells Avida to stop running when it reaches the 100,000th update.

For the sake of trying out some things quickly, let’s tell Avida to only run for 500 updates: ~ {.output} u 500 Exit

Let’s also add another event, to print a different type of data file: ~ {.output} u 0:100:end DumpTaskGrid ~

There are tons of actions that we could add. For instance, we could periodically kill off a bunch of organisms. A (mostly) complete list is available here.

Let’s empty the data directory, and try running Avida again. We can tell it to use the new events file we made with the -s flag:

$ rm -r data
$ ./avida -set EVENT_FILE events_test.cfg

This time, it should stop after 500 updates. If we go back to the data directory, we’ll see the new files we printed out:

$ cd data
$ ls
average.dat      dominant.dat       grid_task.300.dat  tasks.dat
count.dat        grid_task.0.dat    grid_task.400.dat  time.dat
detail-0.spop    grid_task.100.dat  grid_task.500.dat
detail-500.spop  grid_task.200.dat  resource.dat

The grid_task.*.dat files are an example of spatial data files in Avida. They represent a snapshot of the update they were outputted at. They contain a grid of numbers representing the tasks that the organism in that grid cell at that point in time could perform. If you look at them all, you can see the population expanding out from original organism.

Now it’s time to take a look at the main configuration file, avida.cfg. This is where all of the options for how to run Avida are set. It can be pretty overwhelming. Don’t worry - you don’t need to understand what all of the configuration options do. For any given experiment, we leave the vast majority of these set to their defaults.

Notice that the file to use as the events file is one of the config options: ~ {.output} EVENT_FILE events.cfg ~

When we ran Avida with the -set EVENT_FILE events_test.cfg flag, we were actually telling Avida to set this configuration option to the specified value before starting the run. -set works on any option in avida.cfg. Often, for the purposes of record-keeping, we prefer to set options on the command-line like this, rather than actually changing the config file. That way, it’s obvious from looking at the command we executed what conditions each replicate was run with.

Playing with config settings

Choose a config setting and run Avida with it set to a different value.

Here are some good choices: - WORLD_X - WORLD_Y - WORLD_GEOMETRY - BIRTH_METHOD (try 4, 8, or 11) (if you use 11, set DISPERSAL_RATE to something greater than 0)

There are two more configuration files. The first is the instruction set. This file tells Avida which instructions are allowed to be used in genomes. The default is instset-heads.cfg.

If we take a look at it, we can see that that’s pretty much all it is:

$ head instset-heads.cfg
INSTSET heads_default:hw_type=0

# No-ops
INST nop-A         # a
INST nop-B         # b
INST nop-C         # c

# Flow control operations
INST if-n-equ      # d
INST if-less       # e

Everything preceeded with a # is a comment. The letter comments next to each instruction indicate what letter will be used to represent that instruction when printing out organismss genotypes. Letters are assigned in sequence to the instructions listed in the file, so the comment is just a reference for the user.

There are a few other commonly used instruction sets provided with Avida. One is instset-heads-sex.cfg, which is used in set-ups in which recombination between organisms is allowed. If we look at instset-heads-sex.cfg, it’s pretty similar to instset-head.cfg. We can use a program called diff to see what the differences are:

$ diff instset-heads.cfg instset-heads-sex.cfg
< INSTSET heads_default:hw_type=0
> INSTSET heads_sex:hw_type=0
< INST h-divide      # x
> INST divide-sex    # x
< INST h-search      # z
\ No newline at end of file
> INST h-search      # z

This tells us that there are three differences in the files: * Line 1 changed because the instruction sets are labeled different things (heads_default vs. heads_sex) * Line 35 changed because instset-heads-sex.cfg replaces the normal divide command with one that uses sexual recombination * Line 39 changed because one file has an empty line at the bottom and the other does not (this doesn’t matter)

Lastly, there’s the environment file. This is probably the most flexible of the configuration files. It’s where you can specify reactions and resources.

TODO: More on environment