Data wrangling and visualization with Python

Reading in data from multiple files


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 2 min
  • How can I read in data from multiple files?

  • How can I check for inconsistencies between files?

  • Explain how to use Pandas to import and clean data.

Pandas has a ton of cool features, but lets not get too distracted! We’ve only imported one of our data files! We could individually call read_csv on each file in the directory, but that would be a pain. Instead, we’re going to use a strangely named but highly useful library called glob.

Using the glob function in the glob library, we can get a list of all files that match a given pattern:

import glob
file_list = glob.glob("../data/inflammation*.csv")

Now that we have a list of our files, we want to load them into a pandas DataFrame. We can achieve this by looping over each file in the list, loading it, and then glueing them all together with pandas.concat()

frames = []
for filename in file_list:
    frames.append(pandas.read_csv(filename, header=None))
data = pandas.concat(frames)

That’s all well and good, but before we proceed, we should probably take a look at our data and make sure that there aren’t any inconsistencies across the files (they were probably all recorded at different times).

for i,df in enumerate(frames):
    plt.legend(["min", "mean", "max"])

Hmm, looks like there are some patients who consistently have 0 inflammation. We might want to exclude them as outliers.

data = data[(data.T!=0).any()]

New files

There are three data files that we haven’t played with yet - the three small ones. Let’s pretend that we are only interested in the ones that don’t start with 0s. Read them all into a single DataFrame (assume that each of them have the same three columns), remove the rows that start with 0s, and make a line plot showing the average value across the three columns.


file_list = glob.glob("data/small*.csv")
frames = []
for fname in file_list:
> frames.append(pandas.read_csv(fname))
data = pandas.concat(frames)
data = data[data.T[0]!=0]

Key Points